• “Don Eberly is a leading theorist and practitioner of civil society—he helped give birth to today’s civil society movement in the United States.”

    – David Blankenhorn, founder of Institute for American Values

  • “Don Eberly has been at the forefront of the struggle to preserve and strengthen civil society. His work in the White House and internationally has led him to invaluable insights about the delicate relationship between government and civic entrepreneurs.”

    – Steve Goldsmith, former Chairman of Corporation for National and Community Service

  • “No one has studied or participated in U.S. civil society efforts to assist the least advantaged more consistently and discerningly than Don Eberly.”

    – Dr. William A. Galston, Brookings Institution

  • “No one in America is better positioned to tell this story [The Rise of Global Civil Society] than Don Eberly, who has worked both in the trenches in communities around the world and at the highest levels of our government.”

    – John Bridgeland, former Director of the White House Domestic Policy Council