
  • Liberate and Leave: Fatal Flaws in the Early Strategy for Postwar Iraq

    In this ground-level account, Eberly examines the weeks and months of the Iraq War before and after ”liberation”—and the attempt to set up a new government in the midst of lawlessness and vexing policy decisions.

  • America’s Promise: Civil Society and the Renewal of American Culture

    Essential reading on civil society, this primer analyzes the concept of civil society in the context of political theory and sociology, explaining the essential role of strong social institutions, a vibrant moral order, and a grassroots movement.

  • The Rise of Global Civil Society: Building Communities and Nations from the Bottom Up

    This book presents the thesis that, if aid policy in the 20th century relied on top-down bureaucracy dominated by policy specialists and elites, the 21st century is an era for citizens, social entrepreneurs, and volunteers to link up and solve problems.

  • Building a Community of Citizens: Civil Society in the 21st Century

    This collection of essays on civil society includes more than 20 strong authorities on the subject, covering the role of civil society in education, government, and civil institutions in helping America overcome its cultural regression.

  • The Essential Civil Society Reader: The Classic Essays

    Described as an “accessible, everything-under-one-roof introduction to our current social condition,” this collection presents the classic writings of the leading thinkers who have brought the civil society debate to the forefront of American politics.